Thursday, September 17, 2009


Alone, this apple may look small. But because of the relationship to the flag, the proportion of it seems large.


This image is showing balance by using asymmetry. The trees on the right, compared to the ones on the left, arn't the same size but they take up about the same amount of space.


Andy Warhol's "Marilyn Monroe", contains the element of variety by creating the same image but using many different colours.


Shade is created in this image by having a contrast between the black and warm colours, giving the tree a 3-dimensional effect.


This image appears unified. It looks as though the fish would fit together perfectly if you pushed them closer towards each other. This is showing that they seem to belong together creating harmony and unity. The color of the background also unifies the fish, by not making them disappear into the background. But at the same time not making them seem out of place.


Space is created by the placment of objects in terms of how the audience looks at
an image. This image gives you a sense of looking down a road.


Picasso uses shapes to create images. In this particular piece, sharp, angular shapes are used.


Color can help emphasis the mood of a piece of work. For example yellow could represent happiness or excitement while purple may show confusion and loneliness.


Rhythm is created by the repetition of design. In this image, both colour and shape are repeated.


Line is being shown in this image by creating shapes and motion.


This image shows texture because it gives the illusion that the surface would be bumpy, but it is actually just a bunch of dots.


This picture has form because it appears to have a 3-D effect. It also appears to have volume or mass.


This picture shows emphasis because the dark background makes the white chain "pop" and stand out, creating emphasis.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Feed my fish :) ... they like to eat! ------------>
Look at my blog! :)